last saturday was spent with members of bury st edmunds embroiderer's guild up to our elbows in paint dyes and glue - and a lot of tissue paper and cotton wool - the results were far more sophisticated than it sounds and i can't wait to see what the girls come up with when they use their new found treasures for stitching projects.
now i'm really busy here at home with a million and one things to do. i've made some papers today so they are nicely drying. just completed my latest addition for the alveva crazy patchwork round robin and spent several hours preparing all the info for the workshops i am going to teach at the remarkable symposium in queenstown, nz, this time next year - yes i know its far off but things have to be so far in advance. next job - well i've got to get the bridesmaid's dress ready for a fitting, and i want to sort out some pattern pieces for a dress for myself as a trial run for something to wear for one of the 5 weddings we have coming up, but first i am going out into the greenhouse to set some seeds for tomatoes and aubergines.