well thisis what i have come up with for my piece on coastal erosion all the details taken from the photograph of the rusted and corroded metal sea defences. hand dyed silk and cotton sateen with small inserts depicting elements that have interested me. i really love the contrast in colour between the rich rusty colours and the deep blue of sea and sky. i've taken the uneven corroded edge of the metal reinforcement and included it in my design using paper cutouts and markal sticks which will give me areas to quilt around. really excited now so i'm off to get it ready to quilt. the wedding dress and bridesmaids dresses will have to wait!
here is the source and inspiration for a new piece i am working on - coastal erosion and rusting metal groins - lots of texture and rich colour. so far i have a collection of fabrics, some hand dyed and some rust dyed and a yummy piece of cotton wool paper i found in the bottom of a box, obviously it was waiting for the right project. so i'm off to play instead of working on the wedding dress which is actually coming on very well, we had a fitting yesterday and it just needs a little bit of tweeking and then i can get on with completing the lining and doing the twiddly bits - she wants tiny crystals sewing on to make it twinkle as she walks!
i have now finished the commission for myclient in ely, all with a musical theme. i'm really quite pleased with how it has turned our - i hope they are too!
i've been running a 12 week sampler quilt course at sew creative in bury st edmunds and here is one of the quilts in the process of being assembled - just the border to complete now. well done anne a great achievement and we've had lots of chat and fun along the way. can't wait to see the others all put together so come on girls!