we seem to take one step forward and about 3 back! having full planning doesn't appear to mean much when you want to build a house - there's so much more to it all.
apparently there is a main sewage pipe running through our plot and that is where we want to plug into but we've got to find it first - anglian water don't seem to know exactly where it is and how deep, so colin has been digging holes to try to find it - a bit worrying if he hits it - but its being a bit elusive and we haven't seen any evidence of it yet.
the builder that we have been talking to can't take on the project as his other tenders have all come in so we are back to the drawing board on that one too. its all very frustrating, i spend an awful lot of time just looking at the plans and imagining my new house.
can't show you but under the wrap is lynette's wedding dress all made up in calico. looks like a real wedding dress - well almost - all the design details and it fits! so now i have to take it all apart and use the calico pieces for the pattern to cut out the silk. i really want to get going with it now so i can stop fretting about it but have some teaching samples to finish and a commission to complete first. o and the builder is coming to talk to us today.
i had a lovely bunch of long stemmed roses which didn't die, the petals didn't drop they just faded away to something like paperso i have kept them as inspiration for some work - don't know what yet but they are too lovely to throw away
sadly my cleaning lady has been unwell and can't help me at the moment. today i have been cleaning! and most heroically i have actually been ironing and now feel very virtuous having an empty ironing basket. however i have got to be creative.
one advantage to being housebound because of the adverse weather conditions is i have had to knuckle down to some serious work. i've now completed this commission - i'm really pleased with it although its just a little bit 'wavy' - textiles are supposed to be like that aren't they? i'm sure its the density of quilting and the contrast between the rigid 'stone' sections and the soft silk - hey, ho! I hope the customer likes it. now to get on with the other commission, two pairs of trousers to shorten (why has he got such short legs?) new work to produce for Loch Lomond Quilt Show, and then there's the wedding dress and 3 bridesmaids dresses - no pressure then!!!!